The honourable juries and my loving audience, Good Morning. I stand up before you to deliver my speech of “ Preventing Drugs Abuse Among Students” . But First of all. I’d like to extend sincere gratitude to organizing committee who has given me this opportunity And I also want to introduce my self. My name is Ni Made Binantari.
and Gentlement,
As we know Indonesia is
a country with 214 millions populations and spreads about 18.100 islands it
makes Indonesia easy to receive the effects from the other country directly and
indirectly as well.
effect which happened much is the problem of drug abuse. Before that, I’d like
to ask to you, do you know what’s drug? Well, I think the word of drug is not
strange for us, because we often watch and hear on the television many people are
talking about drug and the negative impact of it. Actually drug is the
abbreviation of narcotics and illicit drugs which consist of heroin, cocaine,
marijuana, and methyl amphetamine. Actually drugs are useful in medical part
but many people abuse the drugs and make the negative impact for them
selves.This problem of drug abuse is not only found in the society that live in
city but also those who live in village. The user of drug is not adult but
those who are in elementary school age
or junior high school have become the victims of drugs abuse.
know the distributors of drugs will use many kind of ways to persuade their
victims or the students to use drugs to gain a big advantage because they know
that the children still on the unstable condition.
and Gentlement,
In Indonesia the user
of drugs abuse is so large especially used by students. A total of 921
695 people or about 4.7% of total students
in the country listed as a drug user based on a survey of the National Narcotics Agency in 2011 years ago . Do you know what’s the cause? Let
me tell you Ladies and Gentlement. The first reason why
must teenagers fall into the world of medicine,, is that by using drugs they
can decrease their stress, or even forget their problem. How drugs can do that?
Well Ladies and Gentlement, drugs are having stimulate effects in which
increase the work of heart, pump the lung quicker and activating hormone in
brain. So it can makes them fell fresh and get more spirit.
The second reason is parental
problem, the lack attention from their parents, because their parents too busy
with their activity. They pay less attention to
their children so that children become less attentive
and less affection. Parents and children rarely communicate so that the children don’t know
with whom they must sharing their problem , so they use drugs as a one way to
forget their problem. That also cause of the mistake of the children or student
in choosing friend in their intercourse.
The third cause of the
number of drugs user in Indonesia is so large is because of the weak law
enforcement in Indonesia , international dealers can cooperate with Indonesian
citizens and gain a big advantage.
Ladies and Gentlement,
Drugs abuse is really
harmful not only for the user or the students themselves, but also for their
family , for school or for the country itself. Once they have tried it, it will
be very hard for them to leave it. It means they will break their future as
well. If they get addicted , the users will do many things to set the drugs
such as lie to their parents, steal the valuable things at home and so on. The
students who are already fallen in this world tend to break their organ
functions like heart, lung, kidney and also disturb the brain function and
cause of death. Drugs users also break their school’s regulation, they often
play truant and become a lazy students. So this case makes the parents become
shy because of their children become the drugs user and parents become hopeless
because the future of their child is not clear. The continuity of the country
also in danger because the young generation is not productive, crime and high
date rate increase.
Ladies and Gentlement,
After knowing serious effects of drug abuse
especially for the students, the question is “what should we do to preventing
drugs abuse among students?’’ Well, there are some ways which can we do to
prevent it, such as:
1. We
must have a awareness that drugs abuse does not give any advantage for us. Drugs abuse can be prevented through programs such
as following the social activities,no dealing with users or drugs dealers, not
easily influenced solicitation and seduction to use drugs. Or if there is a
someone offer the drug we must think before “what is the advantage for me or
why I must use drugs?” like that. And of course we will reject that offering.
The other movements that can we do
as students to prevent drug abuse such as :
* Keep closer
to God
* Improve our knowledge about Drugs
* Improve our knowledge about Drugs
* spend our
spare times with positive activities
like sport,, do our hobby and so on
* Not easily
hopeless, and do not solve problems in instant ways for example is using drugs.
*We must
selective in choosing friends. There are two types There are
two types of friends, there is a good friend
and bad friends. A
good friend will always be there for
us when happy
or sad. Always
support and give good advice if we
have a problem. And
bad friends are friends
who just want to be with us when we left happy and when collapsed. Even
plunges us into the
negative things. Of course we must choose the good friends.
2. Parents
should be a good model for their children, giving
children love and attention. Parents should take the time to communicate
with the children so the children can pour
out his troubles and stay away
from drug abuse. And the parents must control their children in the
3. Schools provide counseling to the
students about the dangers and consequences of drug abuse through BP teacher,
by conducting discussions that engage students in planning for intervention and
prevention of drug abuse in schools. Another important program is the program
of Narcotics vigilant in identifying the characteristics of students who use
drugs, be aware of the existence of an unknown guest or dealer, and perform
impromptu raids.
4. The government can give the
socialization to the society about drugs
and the effects of drugs abuse. So the society will know about drugs abuse and
they will never try to abuse the drugs. And the government must make the tights
regulation. So the dealers of drugs can’t distribute the drugs to the society.
Okay that are some ways that can we do to prevent the drugs
abuse among the students. But the most important, we as the young generation
must have an awareness that the future of our country is on our hand. Let us
not damage our nation simply because of
personal interest. Let us build our nation without drugs by mutual
interest. Well, I have a suggestion that we as young generation must have this
three principle in our life Love, Peace,
And Be Positive Thinking. Start from now SAY NO TO DRUGS ..
Ladies and Gentlement,
I think
that all of my speech about preventing drugs abuse among students. Thanks for
your attention. Good morning and have a nice day.
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